Namecheap always offers great promos and discounts. Alongside with regular promos, Namecheap has a Monthly Coupons and deals on each month.
Check out all the biggest savings from Namecheap with Namecheap Discount Code.
.AI domains
Show the world your passion for technology with a .AI domain that looks to the future.
Now $66.98/yr
Regular $79.98/yr
Minimum 2 years registration
Shared hosting on cloud
With our EU shared hosting plans, you will get 100% uptime, be closer to European audiences, and enhance your web performance.
Starting from $30.44/1st yr
Namecheap is an ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) accredited domain name registrar, Serving customers since 2001. They’re committed to making the digital future better for you.
Namecheap began in 2000 with a mission to deliver the best domains at the best prices with the best service. Since then they’ve added hosting, security, managed WordPress, and a whole range of innovations to their platform.
The online plans, ideas, and ambitions of people just like you have grown too. They’ve simply grown to bring you everything you need.